2019 Roundup of the Most Helpful Blogs for Runners

It feels like we’ve raced through the first half of 2019, doesn’t it? If you’re like most people, you probably started the year by setting a personal goal. Maybe that goal was to get faster or increase your mileage. Or maybe your goal for this year was a little more abstract, like creating a better relationship with food and your body.

Well, runners, whatever goals you set for yourselves this year, it always feels good to read other people’s stories for great running advice. Get yourself a dose of much-needed inspiration for the mid-year slump. Meet and connect with an online community of runners. Refresh your running routine with brand new gear.

We scoured the internet for the best running blogs around and categorized them by topic. We’ve got complete fitness blogs, blogs by running experts, food and health blogs for runners and other athletes, blogs for women and runner moms, general running blogs, injury prevention and recovery, personal running blogs, and the best blogs for running equipment.  

Sometimes, other people’s success stories are exactly what we all need to pick ourselves up and go when we’re in a bit of a rut. Here’s a list of great sites run by people who write to share their trials and successes in running: 

1. Empire Unleashed

Empire Unleashed is the inspirational blog of one Gelcys, aka “cheeta g.” She’s been a runner her whole life and was only 14 when she was diagnosed with scoliosis and was actually told she could never run again. Six months after corrective surgery, her family’s car got rear-ended, resulting in one of the metal rods in her spine to pop right out. She still deals with chronic pain on a daily basis, but she hasn’t let that stop her. She uses KT Tape to deal with the pain and trains as much as she can. Other runners dealing with chronic pain and scoliosis will find this blog a wonderful source of motivation to stay on their own running journeys.

2. Running Brina

Sabrina Wieser lives and runs in New York City. She’s a personal and online running coach who understands that staying motivated can be a struggle. She posts about nutrition, motivation, races, and running. 

3. Lazy Girl Running

One of the biggest blocks for a lot of people is they feel too “lazy” to get up and run. Laura Fountain knows this struggle all too well. She used to “skiv off” PE class avoided all forms of exercise until she turned 30. Then she decided she needed a change. Now she blogs about running and helps women from all over the world get started on their own fitness journeys.

4. Mile Posts

 Dorothy struggled for a long time with body image issues before she started training to run in marathons. On Mile Posts, she blogs about her journey, her struggles, and her victories. She’s been featured in Runner’s World magazine, Fitness magazine, and other popular running pubs in America.

5. Fannetastic Food  

Registered dietitian and Washington DC resident Anne started Fannetastic Food to inspire people to lead healthier, happier lives. She’s a mother, marathon runner, and yogi, and she posts tips on running and fitness, travel, recipes for runners, and more.

6. A Trail Runner’s Blog

Love running on trails? So does Scott Dunlap, a tech exec that started running triathlons in 2001 to meet more people and see the great outdoors. Scott posts picture and updates on the races he’s run, plus the articles he writes for magazines and pubs.

7. Weight off My Shoulders

Dani started her weight loss journey with Weight Watchers in 2009, and has since lost about 63 pounds since then. She posts about her continuing fitness journey and the lifestyle changes that helped her to lose weight and maintain the weight loss.

8. Diz Runs  

Diz, aka Denny, writes about running, life, and everything in between. He produces a podcast where he talks with other runners from every corner in the running world. Diz Runs is a great overall blog for runners, with additional tips for injury prevention and treatment.

9. Hungry Runner

Running lessons, soul cycle, ladder workouts, snacks, smoothies, and desserts. Katie writes about all of this and more in her blog. She’s an editor, and writer who loves beer, her husband, her dog, and recreational running.

10. Breathe Deeply and Smile  

Lauren, a resident of Baltimore, believes in “running happy, dreaming big, enjoying life, and never passing up dessert.” She’s a licensed occupational therapist who blogs about running and fitness, and she regularly posts recipes for fueling your races.

11. DC Rainmaker  

He’s a family man and a marathon runner who writes about his cycling and running adventures. DC Rainmaker posts a lot of reviews on running gear, like watches, fitness trackers, phone mounts for your bike and the like. He also posts all about his adventures in fitness, which include a ‘5 Random Things I Did’ series.

12. Carlee McDot  

Carlee describes herself as a “wife, daughter, friend, runner, dog mama, change maker, sunshine lover,” et cetera, et cetera. Basically she’s a lot of things, but most of all she’s a driven woman who writes about all her adventures on her blog. She loves pastels and cutesy stuff and she’s not in the least bit ashamed to show it.

13. Got2Run4Me  

A member of the Ragnar Running Community, Coco writes about her adventures in outdoor running in Got2Run4Me aka Running with Perseverance. She’s been running since 2001 through the trials of raising teenagers, injuries, and a full-time career. And she’s not slowing down any time soon! Coco posts regularly about her races and fitness routines, as well as book and product reviews, food, and faith.

14. Eat, Pray, Run DC

Courtney’s About Me page says, “Welcome to Eat Pray Run DC - I'm passionate about food, running, Jesus, my dog and bacon. Not necessarily in that order.” The rest of her blog is written with the same great sense of humor and openness. Runners will love her recipes and tips.

15. Elizabeth Clor

30-something runner, author, marketer, and pianist Elizabeth is all about the hustle. She blogs mostly about her running adventures—racing recaps, reviews, and everything else to do with running. She’s also got a book out called Boston Round, an “excellent read for runners of all backgrounds and skill levels.”

16. Fueled by Lolz  Hollie is a 27-year-old who lives in New Jersey. She writes about “running and laughing through the Garden State.” Her blog is full of great photos and recaps of her running adventures, and more than a few tongue-in-cheek observations.

17. 50 by 25  

Laura Skladzinski was once quoted as a goal-setting expert in O Magazine—and for good reason. She made it her goal to run a marathon in all 50 states of America by age 25, a goal she achieved in 2010, just two years and one week after she completed her first marathon.

18. Crazy Running Girl

This blog was started in 2011 as a way for Lora to connect with the online running community. Her blog has evolved quite a bit since then, and while she still mostly writes about running, she also writes about fishing, reading, yarn crafts, and her life in Minneapolis.

19. Suzlyfe

Coach Suz writes about running, training, and motivation—all while dealing with Chron’s disease. She also posts a lot of great, nutritious recipes, fiitness product reviews, and food, and lifestyle and clothing reviews.

20. Run Blogger  

Peter Larson has a PhD in biology and was a professor in anatomy at a college in Manchester for 10 years. He quit that job to focus on running and blogging about running on RunBlogger.com, and currently works as a running gait analyst and exercise physiologist at Performance Health Spine and Sport Therapy in Concord, NH.

21. Runs for Cookies  

Katie had been overweight in his entire life, until she decided to start losing weight—primarily for her children, first, and then for herself. She writes candidly about her continuing struggles with weight fluctuation and mental health, but the tone is always hopeful. This is a great blog for people struggling with their own mental health and weight issues. Katie’s an excellent source of motivation!

22. Ultra Runner Girl

Stephanie is a badass human rights lawyer who’s worked with the UN in Afghanistan, and other places like South Sudan, Kabul, Juba, Gaza, Geneva… and now she’s back in Afghanistan, “running around an armed compound and pounding out the miles on the treadmill.” Interested readers can keep up to date on her adventures on this great blog.

23. Jill Will Run  

Jill has struggled with anorexia nervosa and is currently in recovery. She’s a distance runner, and she writes all about her adventures in running on her blog, as well as some great, unbiased reviews on fitness products. She even writes reviews on books, plus some thoughtful articles on what it truly means to be healthy.

24. Running and Stuff  James Adams wrote a book on running called Running and Stuff. With wry wit and humor to spare, he writes all about ultrarunning on his blog. His articles run a little long, so they’re great if you’ve got a free half-hour before your next run.

25. Tom’s Next Step

Runners who are interested in long-distance running and travel will enjoy Tom Denniss’s blog. Here he writes about his runs and posts photos of his journey.

26. Taking the Long Way Home  

Two years ago, Wendy was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but that hasn’t stopped her from doing what she loves best: running. On her blog she posts everything from running with RA to reviews on books, recipes, and so much more.

27. The Runner Dad

This blog is for runner dads who are feeling a little run down (no pun intended). Read great articles on motivation, focus, running safety tips, and more.

28. Shut Up and Run  

Fifty-year-old Beth Risdon discovered running only eight years ago, and she’s been unstoppable since then, proving it’s never too late to start doing something new. Beth writes about everything from running to parenting on her blog.

29. Vitatrain4Life  

Meet Allie Burdick. She’s been doing gymnastics since she was four years old, and she finished her first half Ironman in 2018. She continues her fitness journey and writes all about it on her blog, where she also keeps readers updated on her life.

30. The Runner Beans  

Charlie loves gin and cake, and by her admission says she’s not a “natural runner,” but she works really, really hard to reduce her gin-and-cake intake to lead a well-balanced, healthy life. It’s uplifting to read about regular people’s stories and struggles. See for yourself!

31. Healthy Living Holly  

Here’s another lady that didn’t quite start out enjoying exercise or vegetables, but with a lifestyle change, willpower, and elbow grease, lost 40 pounds in her fitness journey. On her website she’s got race reviews and tips for healthy living, as well as a great podcast and a newsletter.

32. Runnin’ for Sweets  

Ice cream and running. These are the two things Maggie admits to being obsessed about. On Runnin’ for Sweets, she shares weekly workout ideas, training tips, running advice, and fitness motivation.

33. TooTallFritz  

Amanda aka TooTallFritz doesn’t mince words: there’s nothing peaceful about her home life with her young boy, teen, and hubby. She runs to keep sane, avoid housework, and strives for health, wellness, and inner peace.

34. Amy Says So

“Dream big, chase finish lines, be inspired.” That’s what Amy says on her blog. Amy Stone writes about endurance sports—as a fan and about her own experiences with them. She writes with a lot of humor and heart, and she even shares her own training log to inspire beginners to start tracking their progress.

35. Run a Bit Faster  Family man Clark wanted to get “a bit more serious” about running in 2016 and set a personal goal of a thousand miles. He started writing his blog to share his journey and to show people that little things toward a goal can make all the difference in the world. 

36. SoCal Runner Gal  

Certified Run Coach, avid marathon runner, and full-time marketing professional Kate loves coffee, laughing, and running. On her adorable website she writes about coaching, races, and helping other people achieve their running goals.

37. Mile by Mile Blog  

They say a journey starts with a single step. Well, if you’re training to become a distance runner like Lisa, you have to train mile by mile. On her blog, this running coach records her weekly workouts and shares the products that help her through her busy schedule and new motherhood.

38. Mag Mile Runner

The website name is a play on Maggie’s name, where she lives, and her hobby—running. Although Maggie’s always been pretty active—she started dancing and playing soccer at a very young age—it took her a while to really get into running. But then she fell in love with it and has run 60 races to date. Maggie keeps herself very active; aside from running she does yoga and pilates, burlesque dancing, and weightlifting. Elbow Glitter Megan leaves confetti in her wake. Sometimes literally. She loves to run marathons and triathalons and writes about her experiences in her blog. This lawyer started running in 2006 using the Couch to 5K plan and hasn’t stopped conquering personal bests since. Running with Attitude Pilates, yoga, and running—these are the things that help mom-of-two-boys (and one German Shepherd), Michelle, maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. On her site she records her journey to improve her health and wellbeing in its entirety. That means talking about the highs, the lows, the good stuff, and not-so-good stuff. Have a glance at her collection of favorite motivational quotes here. Road Runner Girl Mindy started Road Runner Girl four years ago to document her running journey. Since then she’s run quite a few 5ks, 10ks (too many to count!), 25 half marathons, and two full marathons. She writes mostly about running on her blog, but every now and then she’ll welcome readers into her life and her other interests, like scrapbooking and being a teacher. Nat Runs Far Nat is a mom, marathoner, writer, small business owner, running coach, and fitness enthusiast. She fell in love with running early on in life, and on Nat Runs Far she documents her ongoing love story with running. She blogs about it to share what she knows with clients and runners all over the world. Sweat Out the Small Stuff Instead of sweating the small stuff, Sally suggests you sweat out the small stuff. This freelance photographer and fur parent has completed 7 full marathons and 35 half marathons. She writes about her races and motivates people to take their problems out on a run. Will Run Longer This ultra runner’s blog is full of great insights on trail running and distance running. Will Cooper describes himself as a “father, husband, brother, son, runner, and CEO.” He started running to take the edge off of his daily life and from his adventures draws inspiration for articles like “Fear, Preparation, and the Comfort Zone.” Neon Is My Color Neon colors. They’re bright, reflective, and maybe a little bit garish for everyday wear, but they’re perfect for long-distance runners who want to avoid getting run over by motorists. This fit 51-year-old’s blog is full of sound advice on long-distance running—and you better listen. This BeachBody Coach and EnergyBits Ambassador knows what she’s talking about! Dreaming of Footpaths Sarah Booker shares her struggles with weight and body image in her ‘about me’ page and writes about her races and marathons in her blog. She’s now the proud owner of a Boston Qualifying time, a London GFA, and a World's Toughest Mudder Qualifier. Jog Blog Another lovely lady from the UK, Cathy started her running journey after she quit smoking. She’s now a vegetarian and living an avidly healthy lifestyle, as well as studying for her degree in Creative & Professional Writing. The Girl that Runs Zoe is a runner. “Not a professional runner, just a runner—someone that loves to run.” She describes herself as someone who doesn’t quite look like a long-distance runner, and says she started her blog to spare her husband her endless talk about running. This is a great down-to-earth blog for readers who want to relate to other normal people who just happen to really, really love running. The Lone Runner Kassandra’s blog is about running, healthy living, finding balance, food, family and my adventures as a mother. She says that she simply loves running and everything about it; it’s just become a must-have in her daily life. In addition to race recaps and running tips, Kassandra also writes about her favorite things and “Life Lessons from Dad.” Check out this heartwarming essay entitled “We have what we have.” Blog About Running Kristina writes blogs and produces vlogs about running and her life. She speaks candidly about her struggles with eating disorders, which shifted over the years from restriction, bulimia, and then compulsive overeating. After embarking on a mental health journey with therapy, she started on her fitness journey and encourages other people to live their lives and love their bodies, whatever shape they come in. Fit Girl, Happy Girl Hannah McGoldrick is a social media strategist and a running enthusiast. She’s also an aspiring yogi and a lover of all things ice cream. She started, like a lot of people, with the Couch to 5K program in 2012, and just fell madly in love with running after her first 5k. Now she blogs weekly training recaps, running tips, and motivational essays for other runners from all corners of the world. Lanni Marchant Lanni is a Canadian record-holding marathon runner and also probably a superhero in disguise. She’s a criminal defense attorney in Tennessee and Canada's fastest female marathon and half-marathon runner. On Lanni Marchant she blogs about her “double life” and posts lots of great photos of herself in her gallery. Up and Humming Her site tagline says, “A funny runner running to the beat of her own hum, like literally.” Basically this runner hums a lot while she’s running, and she posts about her daily adventures in running and racing in this charming, witty blog. Run Bulldog Run Steve Speirs is a professional athlete who started running in his teens in the early 80s. He posts race recaps, shoe reviews, and motivational quotes in Run Bulldog Run. He’s also got a great list of his favorite podcasts, running books, blogs, discounts, and brands he trusts for running gear. Tina Muir She’s a Great Britain Olympic hopeful and professional runner, and she’s written a book about her struggles with amenorrhea (Overcoming Amenorrhea). She’s got a great blog on running and stars in her own podcasts, where she talks about running, coming back from injuries, mental training, marathons, and running through and after pregnancy. Fat Girl to Ironman Tamsyn is an athlete still struggling with her weight. She’s a cyclist, runner, swimmer, and triathlete, and she’s been a vegetarian all her life. She’s got a whole page of awards and accolades, and on her blog she writes about all her athletic activities. Expert Blogs It’s always a good idea to brush up on the newest trends in running and the latest studies on the science of fitness. For that and running advice at any point in your running career, you’re going to want to hear what these experts have to say. Healthynomics Healthynomics is a great blog for those of you just starting out. They’ve got a great blog with articles on weight loss, motivation and mindset, strength training for runners, and how to push through pain. They interview world-class athletes and exercise science experts for their tips, and they keep up-to-date on running trends. Check out their podcast for your next run! Gabrielle Maston “Running” and “slow living” don’t really seem to belong in the same sentence, but this dietitian and exercise physiologist says otherwise. She’s an advocate of health and wellness and blogs extensively about mindfulness, running nutrition, supplements, injury prevention, running equipment, and interesting places to run. Her blog is great for beginners just starting to train to run half marathons, but it’s also wonderful for runners at any stage of their training who want to stretch self-improvement beyond just physical health. Dr. Nick’s Running Blog Yes, Dr. Nick Campitelli is an actual doctor. In fact, he’s a podiatrist that specializes in foot and ankle surgery, and he’s got a special interest in helping runners. As well as blogging about training and the best gear and healthiest running shoes, his website also has a lot of awesome articles about the types of injuries runners get, how to treat them, and how to avoid them altogether. Check out this great article on relieving runner’s knee. Science of Running Steve Magness, founder of Science of Running, is a performance coach, author, and lecturer who coaches almost professional runners and is Head Cross Country coach at the University of Houston. He’s literally written the book on The Science of Running (along with a bunch of other books and articles in big-name publications). On his blog he writes about his coaching technique and news about the running world, and articles on training and challenging yourself. Fine Fit Day “A fit, healthy lifestyle begins today!” is Fine Fit Day’s motto. Carly is a running coach and an ACSM certified personal trainer, and she writes about everything to do with fitness—from “SMART goals” to the best running gear, hiking with kids, and the best time of yoga you can do to improve your running technique. She also gives a lot of good advice on loving yourself, something we could all do more of. Coach Debbie Runs The first thing you’ll see on Coach Debbie’s blog is a handful of delicious and healthy recipes to fuel your runs. This RRCA-certified running coach and personal trainer is serious about healthy living and advocates a clean, plant-based diet. You’ll see tons of running tips, recipes, workouts, and more on this well-rounded running website. Relentless Forward Commotion Heather is an ACSM certified Exercise Physiologist and a surfer girl who says “Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you.” If you’re gearing up for your first race or ultramarathon, or even running your third, you’ll be sure to love this spunky mom’s get-up-and-go attitude and sound, expert advice. Race Pace Wellness You know what’s really motivational? Seeing people like you succeed at something you want to do. There’s nothing for seeing that anyone can succeed at something they set their mind to—like going from a sedentary lifestyle to running entire marathons. Race Pace delivers on the success stories from Jess Underhill’s clients, and tips on how to improve your running technique. Train with Marc Marc Pelerin is an online running coach who posts new training plans biweekly. He’s got a lot of articles on running, strength training to improve your running technique, and tons of articles to get you into the right mindset for achieving your running goals—and your goals in life. Prepare to get motivated with this article on the three pillars of running and other articles like this. Fitful Focus Austin-based NASM CPT Nicole’s goals are loud and clear on this pink, joyfully girly website: “Get fit. Stay full. Be focused.” But don’t let the pink accents and the adorable pictures of cupcakes fool you: Nicole is hardcore. In addition to all the healthful recipes she serves up every week, she’s got a series of themed workouts for runners and fitness enthusiasts of all kinds. Try the 5 Move Workout that Will Leave You Drenched—and make sure to have an extra t-shirt handy. Deb Runs Deb is a personal trainer and a running coach whose purpose is to help others adopt a healthy lifestyle and improve the quality of their lives. Lots of race recaps and race results in this website for those who want to keep up with racing news, and articles on weight management, general running tips, racing tips, recipes, and even articles on skin cancer. Deb, who’s had two melanomas and 43 basal cell carcinomas removed, reminds every runner to apply (and reapply!) sunscreen on their runs. Sarah Kurth Sarah Kurth is a running coach who’s been running for twenty-some years. She has a lot of great resources for beginners, like free training plans and trackers to help you keep an eye on your progress. And if you sign up to her newsletter, you get a wonderful 4-week training journal, which is a handy guidebook for beginners and experienced runners alike. Run, Eat, Snap! This sleek, colorful website is run by Jill, a registered dietician and an avid runner and photographer. Her website is where she blogs about running and nutrition (e.g., why carbo loading is important for runners before a big run, and why dieting doesn’t work). We’re loving this article about getting back in touch with hunger and fullness cues that includes a scale image from the book, Body Kindness. Jill also welcomes readers into her life with articles about travel, photography, and other fun stuff. Can’t Stop Endurance Coach Kevin of Can’t Stop Endurance has an impressive resume and the drive to make the world a better, healthier place. He’s got an extensive list of training articles, covering topics from marathon running to proper hydration during a long-distance run. We love his podcasts, where he discusses running strategies with other runners and coaches. Listen to it here. Running Myself Together Running Myself Together is the website of Maria, a RCCA-certified running coach, writer, and speaker who is also an advocate for mental and holistic health. Her blog, which you can browse by topic (super handy), is where she writes about anxiety and body image (Maria has struggled with eating disorders, anxiety and depression, herself), mindfulness, and running marathons. The best part about Maria’s workout advice is the constant reminder to be mindful and enjoy the journey. She’s very candid about her own struggles, which is exactly what you need when you’re feeling alone and the struggle is too, too real. Sports Scientists Here’s a site run by honest to goodness sports scientists. Their mission is “to apply sports science concepts and insights to the sports news you see every day, and to the training and performance challenges you face, regardless of your sport, or the level you compete at.” They’ve got everything from cycling and running news and tips, hot sports topics, and ideas to help you up your running game. Perfect for fitness geeks who love reading about the science of sport (actual science papers!) as much as they love going for runs. Coach Jay Johnson Coach Jay Johnson’s qualifications run about a mile long. He’s highly respected in the field of running, and on his website he has a fundamental education course and a podcast, where he talks about everything running. With videos and articles galore, Coach Jay’s website is a seemingly endless resource for both runners and their coaches. General Running Blogs You don’t have to be an ultra-athlete or a superhero to be an ultrarunner. These blogs prove that running is for everyone and anyone, everywhere. The Runner Experience Having trouble finding running buddies? The Training Club has is a world-class online community with world-class coaches, perfect for beginner runners to advanced marathoners. They’ve also got a lot of free resources for injury prevention, articles about trail running, stretching, doing your first 5k, and everything—and we mean everything!—to do with running. Podium Runner Podium Runner, aka Pocket Outdoor Media, is your one-stop shop for runners dedicated to achieving their personal best. You’ll get news on marathons and updates on the sport and science of running, and a slew of how-to articles on improving your form and running time. This article on using your arms to run faster? Mind blown. JustRunLah! Running in Southeast Asia? This is the website for news and tickets in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Australia, and India. Read interviews with athletes and get a lot of great tips on improving your running technique. Thinking about starting your own blog? They’ve also got notes on starting your own blog. Canadian Running Magazine Canadian Running Magazine aims to bring readers Canada’s best and latest running news. Get race guides, training plans, tips for beginners, recipes, podcasts, and all the newest updates on all things running. Runner’s Guide to London If you’re in London on holiday and want to keep up with your running routine, or if you’re a local who wants to discover new places to run, the Runner’s Guide to London is for you. Get news on running events and routes and hotspots, and connect with other runners in and around the London area. Strength Running Ready to set your personal best? Then head on over to Strength Running. Jason Fitzgerald posts regularly about the ins and outs of running, and he encourages readers to continually challenge themselves while honoring their bodies and maintaining the right mindset for happiness. Active ACTIVE.com has the largest online directory of sports and recreational activities, facilities, venues and classes, which includes more than 290,000 races, leagues, tournaments, camps and other recreational listings in more than 80 sports and 5,000 cities. Event organizers can also sign up to post their sports events on ACTIVE—everything from triathlons, cycling events, soccer camps...you name it, ACTIVE has it. Trail Runner Mag If you prefer trail running to any other type of outdoor (or even indoor) running, then this is the magazine for you. Trail Runner has all the latest news on the sport of trail running, and essential trail tips, like what to do when you’re injured out in the middle of a trail, or dealing with venomous snakes. Trail & Kale Trail & Kale is a blog written by and for plant-fueled runners who want to “live clean: run free.” You’ll of course find great plant-based recipes to fuel your runs, in addition to advice on trail running and interviews with athletes from all around. Runner’s World Over the years, Runner’s World has become a household name for runners all over the globe. They’re a complete guide for all things running, for all kinds of runners, and a great news source on race events and competitions. Ginger Runner Ethan Newberry, owner of GingerRunner.com, is a filmmaker/composer/runner in Seattle. He works with social media expert and ultrarunner, Kim Newberry, to bring readers of the Ginger Runner blog regular updates on the sport and science of running. The posts are written by a wonderfully diverse community—people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities. I Run Far The good people at iRunFar.com do a great job of giving readers the best possible information about trail running and ultrarunning.This website has got a good mix of timely news, educational information, editorial insight, race coverage, gear reviews, and other resources, plus a couple of books on trail running (Relentless Forward Progress and Where the Road Ends). Runner’s Blueprint Runner’s Blueprint calls itself the “ultimate guide to running,” and we’re inclined to agree. They’ve got advice for runners on everything from beginners’ training, weight loss, diet, gear, playlists—even motivational quotes you can put in your Instagram captions next time you take a running selfie! Rock Creek Runner New trail runners should check out Rock Creek Runner’s free ebook on Why You Should Be Running Trails and How to Get Started. This is an awesome resource and motivation site for beginners and advanced trail runners alike. Salt Marsh Running Can’t afford your own running coach? Get pumped up with this RCCA Certified Distance Running Coach’s motivational blog posts. Jason Saltmarsh is a regular contributor to Runner’s World and ACTIVE.com, and has recently published his own book, Marathon Running: A Complete Guide for Beginners. Dumb Runner Mark Remy’s writing is anything but dumb. Perfect for runners with a sense of humor, this blog dispenses excellent (though sometimes tongue-in-cheek) advice in his column, “Ask Dumb Runner.” His “news” articles, like this one about a man still beating himself up over last Friday’s run, have us in stitches. Running Technique Tips The site is pretty straightforward, and that’s what we love about it. Straight to the point, no-nonsense advice on improving your running technique? Yes, please. Too Fat to Run Also known as The Fat Girl’s Guide to Running, this site thumbs its nose in the face of the mixed messages women get from society and encourages larger women to start running now. Julie, owner of Too Fat to Run, writes, “Everyone bangs on about levels of Obesity in the world, and women’s body confidence levels globally are at an all time low with there being so much pressure to look a certain way. But what about embracing the bodies we have now, ladies, and focusing on being happier and healthier while we try to find the weight that is right for us? Surely that is a more productive approach?” Run Ragnar Members of the Ragnar running community call themselves Ragnarians, and it’s perhaps appropriate that the name sounds like Viking king, Ragnar Lothbrok. These guys are hardcore! Check out Ragnar challenges, like the ‘Chase the Moon’ challenge, here. Fast Running Blog “Run, blog, improve, repeat.” That’s what the Fast Running Blog helps readers to do. Runners can keep track of their miles and give detailed reports on their progress on this site, plus have the support of a great community at their back. Running Bloggers Running Bloggers is a bit of an anomaly, because it’s not a blog about running—it’s a blog about running blogs. Bloggers who run (or runners who blog?) can connect on this site, and other runners who maybe want to start their own blogs can pick up a few tricks and best practices here. Harvy App Blog Harvy is a really cool app that uses mapping technology to customize playlists according to the elevation and geographic features of your run. It works with Spotify and is available for Apple users on the iStore. Not only is this an amazing app, their blog is also a great resource for runners who want to craft their own epic trail running playlists, plus tips on marathon running and running for beginners! Pavement Runner This site has been around for quite some time (it won Best Overall Running Blog in 2012), but it still is one of the most relevant running blogs around. Readers can find race recaps, reviews, running advice, and basically everything to do with running on this site. The Runner’s Guide to Walt Disney World Megan, owner of Runner’s Guide to WDW, loves running and she loves Disney, so she thought, why not put the two together? She’s participated in severan runDisney events and posts runDisney tips, resources, and gluten-free meals available at Walt Disney World. Mud Sweat and Tears No treadmills or indoor running tracks for these runners. Mud Sweat and Tears is all about mountain running and off-road running, perfect for runners who want tips on getting down and dirty and staying safe out there in the big blue wild. For Women and Runner Moms Some women want to start running, but for a lot of different reasons feel like they can’t. Some women find it challenging to get started because of busy schedules or health issues. These are blogs for women runners in need of empowerment and support, and for women in need of a community of running sisters. Happy Fit Mama Angela is a CSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist and RRCA Running Coach who’s all about running and overall health. She’s a mom and a wife, and she writes all about running, fitness, and nutrition as a woman. MCM Mama Runs Erika of MCM Mama is all about balance; she enjoys running, a good beer, wine, and a host of other things. She speaks very candidly about her struggle with depression, and also talks about lighter things like travel and “bling.” Run Lady-like Run Lady-like is where Jesica D’Avanza documents her “unladylike adventures of an ordinary runner on a mission to find her extraordinary.” She blogs about running, getting balance, goal setting, and keeping motivated in your fitness journey. NYC Running Mama Running, training, motherhood, career, life, and everything in between. These are the things that NYC Running Mama—ex-army mama and all around badass—blogs about. This is one of those really empowering blogs that makes you feel like you can do anything… including running while pregnant. Running On Happy Running On Happy is a blog that focuses on running for health and wellbeing. RCCA-certified running coach Rachel advocates healthy living and leads by example. She blogs about hydration and nutrition, running tips and stretching, and nutritious recipes galore. Another Mother Runner AMR is a lovely community and resource for mothers who run. You can keep up to date and new media aimed for “mother runners” on the website. Listen to their weekly podcast and biweekly Q&A, “AMR Answers” for great conversation about running as a mother. AMR also has the “What a Mother Runner Looks Like series,” an empowering, body positive photo essay series on the many faces (and hips, stomachs, arms, bodies!) of motherhood. Running Rachel She’s a mom of three who blogs about “family, faith, fitness, sometimes food and always fun!” Rachel has a lot of great running tips for beginners. If you’re trying to run with your kiddos, you’re going to want to read her article on Top 5 Tips on How to Run with Children. The Concrete Runner Kristen is a busy mama who runs her own online business and helps women gain time freedom in their lives so they can spend more time with their families and become their best selves. She writes to help women gain confidence, start and grow their own businesses, and run faster. Mommy Run Fast Laura is a holistic health coach and RRCA running coach who specializes in nutrition for runners to help them perform their best. She blogs about pregnancy as a runner and delicious recipes for the whole family. The Fit Foodie Mama Foodie, runner, DVRT Master Instructor and mother of two, Annmarie, shares gluten-free, sometimes vegan, always delicious recipes that everyone—even people with food allergies and restrictions—can enjoy. And check out her blogs on training; she’s got some great tips on running and circuit training for peak performance. She Can & She Did She Can & She Did is a platform dedicated to refining what strength looks like. This community is all about inclusion, representation, and empowerment, where women from all walks of life are encouraged to share their voice and raise each other up. Check out these stories from badass ladies who overcame self-doubt and ran toward their goals. Women’s Running UK Women’s Running UK is the UK’s first running magazine written for and by women. They cover everything from training, health, events, inspiration, nutrition, running gear, and more. Everything about running. Thisi is a well-rounded magazine for women in the UK and all around the world. Run Young 50 A lot of people fear getting older. They think that getting older means getting slower, but these women in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and even older are showing the world that older women can be physically fit and active. Katie Holmes interviews older women runners and writes about the history of women in marathon running, aiming to help others rethink how they view aging. This is a wonderfully encouraging and informative blog for men and women of all ages. For a dose of running history, check out this article about pioneering marathon runner, Joyce Smith (1937). Women’s Running Here’s another great publication for women in running. This website regularly posts articles on training, nutrition, tech, recipes, and injury prevention, as well as true stories of women overcoming sometimes seemingly impossible obstacles and achieving their goals in running, as well as in life. Michigan Runner Girl The MRG community is all about connecting with like-minded people. “Just keep moving” is their motto. They’ve got a regular blog and a podcast about everything to do with running, and they keep everyone up to date on races and running events in and around Michigan. Great resources, too. Check out this great article on race recovery after your next marathon. Rise Run Retreat Rise Run Retreat is a women’s running retreat. It’s aim is to create authentic creations through running and help women reconnect with themselves and their womanhood. Sign up for email updates to keep up abreast of upcoming retreats. Injury Prevention and Recovery Sometimes runners go a little too hard on the trails and need some time to rest and recover. These blogs are great for tips on preventing injury, promoting safety, and include a lot of wonderful tips for recovery and treatment. eKneewalker eKneewalker is a website where injured runners and athletes can buy or rent knee scooters. They also have a great blog on physical therapy and health for athletes. Check out this useful article on what doctors say you should do while you’re recovering from surgery. Runners Connect Runners Connect is an online community of coaches helping runners train smarter, stay healthy, and run faster. They’ve got weekly interviews with runners like Kate Pallardy, a daily podcast where their expert coaches answer any questions you have about running, free educational resources like ebooks, and a blog of useful tips for running 5ks, 10ks, marathons, and how to treat running injuries. Running Physio Tom is a physiotherapist who helps runners treat and recover from injuries. He posts a lot of great articles on treating and avoiding pain and soreness, injuries, and more. This article is great for runners who’ve been stuck in a ‘boom and bust’ cycle. Complete Fitness Blogs Workout programs, motivation, meal plans, and tips for using gym equipment—you name it. These blogs are best for those looking for tips and your overall fitness needs. Fitness Grit Ethan and Ida are the couple behind FitnessGrit.com, a blog that has a lot of good, well-rounded advice for building muscle, using gym equipment, and designing your own workout routines and meal plans. If you’re trying to workout at home or build your own home gym, check out their buying guides for the best machines and this article about at-home workout routines. ACTIVE Endurance ACTIVE is an event management software for cycling events, obstacle courses, races, triathlons, and other sports events, and you can tell that the people behind this company really live their message. They’ve got a great blog with some great tips for sports events organizers, like this one on how to thank your volunteers. Map My Run Map My Run is on this list because of their well-rounded tips on nutrition and their awesome motivational articles, which often feature videos (cue inspiring music and occasional waterworks). If the daily grind is feeling a little too grind-y, check out this great poem by Alison Desir, Unlike Any. Trail Sisters We all need a tribe, and Trail Sisters, an online community and journal for women in trail running, offers just that. Their mission is to “increase women’s participation and opportunity in trail running through inspiration, education and empowerment.” They’ve got a lot of great articles on everything trail running, including reviews on gear, and empowerment aplenty (see: Don’t Let Anything Stop You). Check out their advice column, Ask the Trail Sisters, in particular this article on handling cat calls and unwanted comments on the trail. Fitness About The idea behind Fitness About is pretty straightforward. Though the website is pretty basic as far as design goes, Fitness About posts great articles regularly. We love their Celebrity Workout series. Check out this article for tips on getting Ian Somerhalder’s abs (no news yet on how to get that smolder). Green Zen Fit Andrea and Alin, the couple behind Green Zen Fit, started their fitness journey in the middle of planning their wedding. They realized they weren’t as happy with their bodies as they wanted to be and decided to make a change. They got a personal trainer and the rest, as they say, is history. Green Zen gives you a dose of weekly inspiration and excellent tips on everything from running routines, proper nutrition, budgeting, business, veganism, and minimalism. The Fitness Tribe The Fitness Tribe, aka Fall-Out Fitness, is a community of wellness enthusiasts whose focus is on a well-rounded fitness routine, healthy eating, and overall personal development. They’ve got a lot of wonderful articles about trail running and circuit training, but we especially love their articles on motivation and mental wellbeing, like this article on training happiness, and this one about beating procrastination. Marathons and Motivation Angela is a registered nurse and a mom of two—the kind of mom that makes you ask, “How does she do it?!” She’s also a registered Ironman triathlete… and she cooks. She’s got a lot of articles about running, keeping active and eating healthy and modeling that lifestyle for your kids, even with a packed schedule. Reach Your Peak This running blog is run by Patty, a personal trainer from New Jersey, who’s made it her mission to motivate and inspire people at any point in their fitness journeys. With her down-to-earth style of writing, she’ll give you tips on running and other exercises to keep you well-rounded, as well as healthy recipes and a lot of race recaps. Runners looking for new gear will love her reviews! Food and Health Keeping your body healthy with proper nutrition and self-care are essential for longevity in any sport, including running. But it’s also important to eat the food you enjoy. Trying to hit that balance can be pretty tricky. If you’re struggling a little, you’re going to want to check out these blogs—perfect for runners who want to learn how to fuel themselves and take care of themselves the right way. Linwood’s Health Foods Lindwoods is a family-run business that carries organic flaxseed, almonds, hemp, goji berries, and the like, supplying superfoods to health-conscious families all around the world. They’ve also got a great blog about healthy eating, where you can get tips, meal plans, and recipes, like this delicious recipe for carrot cake doughnuts. They’re vegan! Veggie Runners Athletes with plant-based diets probably hear “But where do you get your protein from?” at least once or twice a day. Protein is absolutely no problem for vegans and vegetarians, and especially not for mother-daughter duo Jayne and Bibi Rodgers. This award-winning food and fitness blog packs a plant-based protein powered punch with their mouthwatering recipes, running tips, and even a few parenting hacks for new moms and dads. Run, Eat, Repeat Jeff McCarthy keeps himself busy with trail running, writing about trail running, reporting about trail running, and being an ambassador for the #Run1000Miles challenge. Of course he knows just how important it is to keep your machine running with a lot of good, hearty, healthy fuel. He’s got great recipes for homemade trail food like fig bars, on-the-go power balls, smoothies, and so much more. Marcia’s Healthy Slice Marcia is a wellness and running coach who started running as a “mid-life challenge” to herself. This website is great for all-around motivation and wellness tips, and the recipes really stand out. Delicious, homemade, and nutritious, each recipe was created to fuel a running routine. Organic Runner Mom If you prefer to eat clean and organic, then this website is the one for you. Organic Runner Mom is an all-around fitness blog dedicated to helping others pick up the habit of clean eating. Sandra, who runs the blog, is a mom and a triathlon runner; she’s got a whole treasure chest of green smoothies and recipes that are sure to be a huge hit with the whole family. This instant pot rosemary beef stew is particularly yum and great for making if you need a delicious, comforting dinner in less than an hour. The Runner’s Plate Delicious, nutritious recipes? Beauty tips? Style? Running and racing tips? Check, check, check, and check. In addition to blogging about running, beauty, and fitness, she also blogs about motherhood and living in Alaska, a trail runner’s paradise. Go check that out if you’ve ever thought about moving there! Top10supps No health and wellness journey is complete without the constant debacle of whether or not one should use health supplements, and the utmost confusion of dealing with hundreds of options after deciding that a supplement is indeed necessary. Navigating your supplement choices is like navigating an endless maze with zero sense of direction. Top10supps helps eliminate confusion by providing unbiased supplement reviews and a complete rank list of the best ones in the market. This list is always up-to-date, comprehensive, and convenient, making it a great resource not just for runners but health and fitness enthusiasts in general. The Runner’s Recipes Laura is an RRCA and Run-Fit certified running coach, writer, distance runner, craft beer lover, sourdough baker, and outdoor enthusiast. She’s all about everything running and outdoors, and she shares excellent recipes on her blog. Her Eat to Run ebook is stacked with delicious recipes, perfect for fueling any fitness enthusiast’s workouts and busy day-to-day routines. Running Equipment Blog New gear is never a bad idea. Here’s a list of resource blogs best for finding the best athletic and running equipment out there. Treadmill Reviews Looking for experts’ opinions on the best treadmills for indoor training? Treadmill Reviews has you covered. They organize reviews by price, by brand, and by model. Go check them out for your home gym! Running Shoes Guru There are a lot of different types of shoes for a lot of different kinds of runners and feet. Cushioning shoes, minimalist shoes, motion control and racing shoes—Running Shoes Guru posts detailed, expert reviews of the best kinds of shoes for you. Brooks Blog Here’s an online shop for basic runner’s needs. Are you looking for new sports apparel? Bras? Shoes? Brooks Blog has it all. Have a gander at their adorable Running Proud collection, designed to show Brooks Blog’s support for LGBTQ+ people in the running community. Brooks CEO Jim Weber wrote about the importance of inclusion in this inspiring letter to runners everywhere. Achilles Heel Achilles Heel’s supplies specialist footwear and running equipment, video gait analysis, sports injury clinic, and professional advice from some friendly people. They carry tons of different brands (seriously. So many. Look at this page!) and have an awesome blog to boot! The Wired Runner Originally called Athlete’s GPS, the site was originally made to help runners better understand their GPS systems. After a brand reboot, The Wired Runner expanded to sell all sorts of runners’ gear—hydration gear, hats, gloves, jackets, and running shoes galore. They’ve also got helpful buying guides for runners who aren’t quite sure yet what shoe is best for their needs. WIMI Fitness Looking for high-quality, comfortable sports gear? WIMI’s the site for you. They carry gear made for athletes looking for gear that helps them with pain management, and they’ve got a wonderful blog with tips on managing flat feet, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and more. Fitly Run Long-distance runners in need of running packs, towels, and hydration gear will love Fitly’s shop. Not only do they have great, high quality gear, but they also have an awesome blog filled to the brim with science-based running advice, like this article on how often runners should train. Now that you’re equipped with the best running blogs that the internet has to offer, there should be nothing stopping you from going out there and crushing those mid-year goals. Ready? Set? Go! HERE IS A BADGE TO PROUDLY SHOW OFF ON YOUR SITE! To grab your badge, simply copy the code below and paste it onto your own site. Use above code to get a full-sized image copy of this page for your website.

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